About Moi

Hi YOU!! Welcome to my blog.

Thanks for taking the time to read it.

I’m a young Christian and French…oui oui!!!
I would like to use this blog as a platform to write my testimonies and inspirations I have received on Bible stories and/or verses.

It’s been years that I’ve wanted to do this but I always pushed it back because I was a student or I thought much people wouldn’t be interested. Today, I’m older and wiser and I believe if ONE person is touched by this blog, if the love of Jesus is revealed to this person then all the time and effort is worth it.

At a certain point in my life, I was looking for guidance and I had difficulties finding online testimonies on hardships, that’s why I enjoy writing on my weaknesses, challenges and how I’m working to overcome them.
We’re all humans, and I believe when we share our hard times, we encourage each other to persevere until the breakthrough comes.

As a young lady, I have had to deal with so many inner and outer challenges. So, I changed the name of my blog to PrincessOnTheRise (it was once Breathingoutpraise).
We all have been given an identity by the Creator.
It’s up to live through the Truth on who we are: beautiful daughters of the Most High, put on an earth for a victorious life.

I’ll be pleased to hear from you! 😀

Feel free to share with me and others your testimonies and opinions.
So leave a comment and let’s network! See you soon…. A bientôt!!!!

9 thoughts on “About Moi

  1. Welcome to blogging! Glad to see you jumped in with your voice for Christ. We live in such an amazing time to be able to speak of our walk with Christ in so many ways, and the whole world can hear it. Be blessed!

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